School Meals
Delicious school dinners are free to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and are home cooked on our site. Fresh fruit and salad bar are available daily and all dietary needs are catered for.
Children may bring their own packed lunch, or purchase a school dinner. The cost of school dinners is £2.70 per day from July 2023. The Children's individual balances can be checked by logging into Tucasi Scopay, where online payments can be made Scopay. Login details are available from the school office.
Your child is asked daily at morning registration if they are having a school dinner or packed lunch. If your child is not in school first thing in the morning (e.g. medical appointment, dentist), please advise the office so that a meal is ordered for them.
In December we will have a whole school Christmas lunch. All children and staff are invited to order a Christmas lunch - orders will need to be made in advance. A letter will be sent out after October half term with instruction on how you order your child a Christmas lunch.
School menus are published at Twelve 15.