Years 5 and 6
Throughout Years 5 and 6, Key Stage Two (KS2), children continue to develop their independence, meta cognition (learning to learn) and problem-solving skills. Pupils are exposed to a wide range of modern and classic stories, novels and poems, and learn how to use more advanced grammatical techniques in their writing. In maths, real-life problem-solving opportunities give all students of every ability the chance to apply recently learnt maths skills in a fun, but challenging way to achieve maths mastery.
Regular philosophical discussions within each class help the children to expand their thinking about 'big' ideas and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. A wide range of ever-changing topics are covered and wherever possible each is taught across the curriculum to facilitate a rich learning experience. Visits and in-school experiences take place regularly, such as workshops from drama companies, field trips to the local area and exciting residential visits.
Sex and Relationships Education
It is important that children learn about the physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty. To help you start the conversation with your son/daughter, the School Nursing team from Children and Family Health Surrey have put together an informative webpage of top tips, trusted websites and helpful advice to give you the confidence to support your child’s learning around puberty.